ACT Test Day

Prepare for test day by knowing what to bring and what to leave at home!


Admission ticket
Print a copy of your admission ticket to bring to the test center. Your admission ticket has important information including reporting location.

Acceptable Photo identification
Acceptable photo identification is required to be admitted to the test center. You will not be admitted to test if your ID does not meet ACT requirements.

You may bring a watch to pace yourself, but do not bring a smartwatch or a watch with an alarm. During testing your watch must be removed and placed on your desk face up. If your alarm sounds during testing, you’ll be dismissed and your test will not be scored. The computer-based ACT® test has an onscreen timer to help you pace yourself.

Bring a permitted calculator to be used on the mathematics test only. You are not required to use a calculator, but if you do it is your responsibility to know whether your calculator is permitted.

You can only eat snacks outside the test room during break. Keep these under your desk and don’t access them during the test.

Don't bring:

Prohibited devices
The prohibited use of devices is in effect from the time you are admitted to your testing room until you are dismissed at the end of the test, including break times. Specifically:

You may not handle or access a cell phone or electronic device at any time in the testing room or during break times. This includes smart watches, fitness bands, and any other devices with recording, internet, or communication capabilities.

All devices, including cell phones and wearable devices, must be turned off and placed out of sight.

If you access your device or it activates in the testing room or during break times, you will be dismissed, your test will not be scored, and your phone or device may be taken away.

Calculator Policy

The ACT calculator policy is designed to ensure fairness for all examinees, avoid disturbances in the testing room, and protect the security of the test materials.

Bring a permitted calculator to be used on the mathematics test only. It is your responsibility to know whether your calculator is permitted.

Acceptable Forms of ID

Only the following forms of identification are acceptable. If it is not on this list, it is not acceptable, and you will not be admitted to test.

Current official photo ID

Must be an original, current (valid) ID issued by a city/state/federal government agency or your school.

ID must be in hard plastic card format. Paper or electronic formats are NOT acceptable.

Your first and last names must match the roster. The photo must be clearly recognizable as you.

ACT Student Identification Form with photo

You MUST present this ACT Student Identification Form (PDF) with photo if you do not have a current official photo ID as described above.

This document must be fully completed by a school official or notary public; neither may be a relative. Note: A notary public may not be available in your country.

Unacceptable Forms of ID

You will not be admitted to test if you present any forms of ID other than those listed as acceptable. The following are examples of unacceptable identification:

ACT Test Descriptions

The full ACT consists of four multiple-choice sections—in English, mathematics, reading, and science—with an optional writing section.

TestNumber of QuestionsMinutes per Test
Writing (optional)1 essay40

Your scores will be based only on the number of questions that you answer correctly; there is no penalty for guessing. Try to answer every question within the time allowed for each section.

What to Expect on Test Day

Going to the Test Center

During the Test

Taking a Break

ACT Test Security

You’ve worked hard to prepare for the ACT, and that’s a big deal. We’re also working hard to ensure everyone has a fair and equal opportunity to demonstrate their academic achievement.

Security Measures

We regularly review preventive measures to ensure every reasonable effort is made to deter and detect potential compromises to test security, while still enabling the greatest possible access for students. Our security measures include:

This list above is a sampling of our test security protocol. ACT also uses many other additional security measures to ensure security, but it is our policy not to comment on other effective methods used.

Prohibited Behavior at the Test Center

To ensure fairness for all examinees, avoid disturbances in the testing room, and protect the security of the test materials, certain behaviors are prohibited at the test center. You will be dismissed and your test will not be scored if you are found engaging in any of these behaviors. For more information view the Prohibited Behavior at the Test Center section of the Terms and Conditions (PDF).

Test Security Hotline

Cheating hurts everyone– if you see it, report it.

Students who don't do their own work put honest students at a disadvantage. Whether it's using a cheat sheet, copying someone else's work, or sending another person to take the test, we all feel cheated when someone tries to game the system.

All examinees deserve the chance to show what he or she has learned. ACT has designed its testing procedures to give you and other honest students an equal opportunity to demonstrate your own academic achievement on a fair and equal playing field.

If you suspect that someone is trying to take unfair advantages or encounter anything else out of the ordinary, please report it to ACT. You can make an anonymous report about test security concerns by using the Test Security Hotline.

Keep the ACT fair. Report cheating and comply with all testing rules.

Why We Do This

Our test security procedures are designed to ensure that examinees have an equal opportunity to demonstrate their academic achievement and skills, that examinees who do their own work are not unfairly disadvantaged by examinees who do not, and that scores reported for each examinee are valid.

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