TAA Designated Countries


November 2023 TAA Update: North Macedonia became a party to the World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement on October 30, 2023, and has now been added as a TAA designated country. Learn more.

Trade Agreements Act & GSA

GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contracts (also referred to as GSA Schedule Contracts) are subject to the Trade Agreements Act (TAA). To be TAA compliant, all products sold through the GSA MAS Contract must be manufactured or “substantially transformed” in the United States or a TAA “designated country”. TAA compliant designated countries are detailed in the chart below and fall into at least one of the following categories:

The GSA Schedule Contract helps streamline the government sales process. In fiscal year 2023, companies sold approximately $11 billion in products to government buyers through the GSA Schedule. If your company is looking to get a GSA Schedule to sell TAA compliant products to the government, contact us to discuss how we can assist. Federal Schedules, Inc. has been helping companies obtain and manage their GSA Schedule Contracts since 1986.

TAA Designated Country List

Products are considered TAA compliant if they are manufactured or substantially transformed in the United States or any of the TAA designated countries listed in the chart below. The TAA designated country list is sourced from the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and is current as of July 2024.

Changes to the TAA designated country list are infrequent. The FAR was updated in November of 2023 to add North Macedonia as a designated country under the WTO GPA. However, prior to the addition of North Macedonia, it had been seven years since the last update. To directly access this clause of the FAR, please click here: Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.225-5, Trade Agreements .

Afghanistan France Niger
Angola Gambia North Macedonia
Antigua & Barbuda Germany Norway
Armenia Greece Oman
Aruba Grenada Panama
Australia Guatemala Peru
Austria Guinea Poland
Bahamas Guinea-Bissau Portugal
Bahrain Guyana Romania
Bangladesh Haiti Rwanda
Barbados Honduras Saba
Belgium Hong Kong Samoa
Belize Hungary Sao Tome & Principe
Benin Iceland Senegal
Bhutan Ireland Sierra Leone
Bonaire Israel Singapore
British Virgin Islands Italy Sint Eustatius
Bulgaria Jamaica Sint Maarten
Burkina Faso Japan Slovak Republic
Burundi Kiribati Slovenia
Cambodia Korea (Republic of) Solomon Islands
Canada Laos Somalia
Central African Republic Latvia South Sudan
Chad Lesotho Spain
Chile Liberia St. Kitts & Nevis
Colombia Liechtenstein St. Lucia
Comoros Lithuania St. Vincent & the Grenadines
Costa Rica Luxembourg Sweden
Croatia Madagascar Switzerland
Curacao Malawi Taiwan
Cyprus Mali Tanzania
Czech Republic Malta Timor-Leste
Democratic Republic of Congo Mauritania Togo
Denmark Mexico Trinidad & Tobago
Djibouti Moldova Tuvalu
Dominica Montenegro Uganda
Dominican Republic Montserrat Ukraine
El Salvador Morocco United Kingdom
Equatorial Guinea Mozambique Vanuatu
Eritrea Nepal Yemen
Estonia Netherlands Zambia
Ethiopia New Zealand
Finland Nicaragua

Interactive Map of TAA Compliant Countries

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